Explore the different rooms, find your favorite celebrities, role models or superstars you admire!
Budapest Boulevard
Discover Budapest's Boulevard and hang out with truly illustrious company!
SzétnézekEpic Encounters
Meet the world's most powerful leaders!
SzétnézekHungarian Spirit
Meet the greatest figures of Hungarian history!
Strike the pose with a supermodel and take a selfie with a real fashion dictator! Or just walk down the runway - the camera will love it!
We shoot the movie, be the main character!
Enjoy the spotlight alongside legendary musicians of the past and present!
Meet your role models on the field, in the ring or right next to the starting stone and break the record on our boxing machine!
SzétnézekVIP Party
We organized the most exclusive party and we have good news: **you are invited!**
SzétnézekPhoto Station
The perfect photo-memory. To keep the moment with you forever.
Cinema Café
Coffee, soft drink and other treats are available at the Cinema Café.
Wax Hand Station
Dip your hand in warm wax for a cool souvenir.
Find the perfect gift at our shop and take home a piece of magic.